Saturday, November 27, 2010

750 words, among other things

I mentioned my horrendous workload a couple of blogs ago, and now I'm mentioned that I got it all done and turned in on time. I'm not as happy as I could be with the quality of the paper, but then I've felt that way before about papers and still ended up with a 'B', so we'll see how that goes.

In other news, my writing friend recommended to me that I try out The point of the site is to write 750 words every day. It doesn't matter which words, or if they make any sense at all, just as long as there's seven hundred fifty of them all in a row. Even after only two days, there have been a number of benefits, as well as some perceived future benefits.

For one, it whets my appetite for writing. After spewing out the first 750 words that come to mind, I want to  keep writing. This prompts me to open up my NaNo and start typing. Hopefully I'll put better quality words into the NaNo, and so far I have been. But 750 words is an effective way to get me moving.

I've also discovered that, when I focus on the task at hand, I can write 750 words in fifteen minutes. Not the most impressive speed (that's only fifty words a minute), but it's almost three times the speed I previously thought was my upper limit. In the past I've found that I tend to write about one thousand words in an hour. I've shown myself that a lot of that slowdown is because of distractions and procrastination eating into my writing time. If I could focus on it for an entire hour, I could easily get about three thousand words. I'm going to start setting my general writing speed goal at two thousand words an hour, and see how that goes.

There's also the hope that this will get me into daily writing, a goal I've mentioned before. The end of NaNo is coming up soon, and it will be time to begin taking action towards my daily writing goal. If I get myself to writing two thousand words in an hour, and if I write for an hour each day, I could easily turn out a rough draft every two months. Not sure how I'll incorporate the editing phase, but I'll figure it out.

That's all for now. Going to see about getting a ride to go grab some food, then try to work on my NaNo some more.

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