The first day of NaNoWriMo has come and gone. I thought I'd celebrate by finally making the blogging switch over to my actual Google account instead of the temporary one I've been posting from.
The day went well. I procrastinated through most of the early afternoon. And most of the late afternoon. But by about seven-thirty in the evening I kicked my butt into gear and started writing. Got in a good thousand words in an hour.
What really boosted my wordcount, though, was the small writing party I had at the library with a couple of other NaNoers. We gathered around a table at nine o'clock, and for two hours we sat typing furiously at our keyboard. Each of us added about two thousand words to our wordcounts during that couple of hours. Also, my story now randomly contains a Grue, thanks to a conversation near the beginning of our gathering.
So I typed a total of three thousand words into my favorite text editor today. Nearly twice the actual goal of one thousand, six hundred sixty-seven words-per-day. And that with several hours of procrastination! If I can get my butt in gear more often on the days my schedule is empty, I might just push this story well past fifty thousand words and into the range of eighty thousand.
Hanging out with fellow writers was great fun, too. They sound like they have interesting stories going on, I can't wait to read them after all is said and done.
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